Stop met gortdroge presentaties en afstandelijke professionaliteit. Leer hoe je het zware licht maakt, het saaie leuk, het serieuze luchtig, het ingewikkelde simpel, het zure zoet en het onbespreekbare bespreekbaar.
Wie woont, werkt, sport en uitgaat in een diverse samenleving komt in aanraking met allerlei verschillende meningen, perspectieven en levensovertuigingen. Meer
Several formerly independent trends including the in creasing rate of technological change, the demand for greater efficiency and productivity in R&D and innovation, and the need for applying technology to the solution of pressing social and economic problems have recently begun to reinforce each other resulting in renewed interest in technology trans fer activities and research. Meer
Effective Speaking provides the hard scientific information about audience psychology, text preparation, presentation methods, voice production, body language and persuasive advocacy which will help would-be speakers improve their performance. Meer
Is Your "Net" Working? A Complete Guide to Building Contacts and Career Visibility "This book is a masterpiece on networking. If you plan to stay in business, you can′t afford to be without this wonderful information. Meer
Your flip–chart expertise––or lack thereof––has a major impact on your success as a presenter and communicator. This practical handbook––filled with hints and illustrations––gives you the skills you need to use flip charts to their fullest extent. Meer
Among these outstanding writers/presenters are: Don Kracke, an advertising and marketing executive whose private sector proposals have resulted in millions of dollars of business from more than 30 major U. Meer
This reference book profiles corporate magazines, those sponsored by and produced for a single business firm. Entries are arranged alphabetically and each entry appears in additional appendixes which classify the profiled magazine by founding date and geographic location. Meer
Kann Image Gegenstand einer Public Relations-Wissenschaft sein? Es lohnt sich wieder, sich mit Public Relations zu beschäftigen. Das Tätig keitsfeld Public Relations ist zwar noch immer nicht ganz unangefochten, weder in der Wissenschaft, noch bei den Medien. Meer
Create top–notch presenters!
When presenting ideas and concepts to colleagues or selling to customers, even the best idea can be lost in a poor presentation. Meer
Business Communication: Concepts and Applications in an Electronic Age features short, varied, up-to-date readings by 38 business communication authorities in business, government, and academia. Meer
Immer häufiger stellt sich die Frage nach der Zukunft und der Bedeutung von Public Relations, dabei werden die Antworten im Rückgriff auf wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse und auf die praktizierten Normen sittlichen Verhaltens gesucht. Meer
New competition, technology and economics have changed the behaviour of markets and the practice of marketing. Customers are more discerning, and demand more quality, service and choice. Meer
Marshal support throughout your organization
Develop a communications strategy that works for –– not against –– you. Based on years of battle–tested principles and case–examples, Roger D′Aprix tells managers how they can avoid the communications breakdowns that sabotage attempts at change, and cause employees to lose faith in their leaders and the system itself. Meer
New competition, technology and economics have changed the behaviour of markets and the practice of marketing. Customers are more discerning, and demand more quality, service and choice. Meer
The book to read before you open your mouth. This survival manual relates the finer points of communicating bad news, voicing strong opinions and discussing difficult issues at the office without compromising your position. Meer