Dit is meer dan een handboek dat beschrijft hoe je de inkoop binnen de publieke sector organiseert. Het beschrijft vooral hoe je de competenties ontwikkelt die je als inkoper nodig hebt om succesvol te zijn in een overheidsorganisatie.
A combination of source inspection and mistake-proofing devices is the only method to get you to zero defects. Shigeo Shingo shows you how this proven system for reducing errors turns out the highest quality products in the shortest period of time. Meer
Nachstehende leilen verdanken ihre Entstehung einer Studienreise durch Ost- und Mittelkanada, die ich im Frtihiahr und Sommer 1911 als Begleiter des vortragenden Rats im Reichsmarineamt und ausser ordentlichen Professors an der Universitat Berlin, Herrn Wirkl. Meer
Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Meer
This study has grown out of a part of the author's thesis "Some Simple and Bulk Queueing Systems: A Study of Their Transient Behavior" submitted to the University of Western Australia (1964) and a course on Queueing Theory given to graduate students in the Operations Research Group of Case Institute of Technology, Cleveland, Ohio. Meer
This paper is intended for the beginner. It is not a state of-the-art paper for research workers in the field of control theory. Its purpose is to introduce the reader to some of the problems and results in control theory, to illustrate the application of these re sults, and to provide a guide for his further reading on this subject. Meer
This work is conceived as a modem study of the relationships of the concept of human freedom with the moral concepts of responsibility and obligation and other closely allied notions. Meer
In these lecture notes which grew out of my lectures at the Honours classes of Honash University, I have attempted to develop queueing and storage problems from a unified viewpoint. Meer
The present work is an extended version of a manuscript of a course which the author taught at the University of Hamburg during summer 1969. The main purpose has been to give a rigorous foundation of stochastic dynamic programming in a manner which makes the theory easily applicable to many different practical problems. Meer
These notes originate from a couple of lectures which were given in the Econometric Workshop of the Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE) at the Catholic University of Louvain. Meer
1 1. Statement of the problem. Bayes' theorem provides a very powerful tool for statistical inference, especially when pooling information from different sources is appropriate. Meer
Imbedding is a powerful and versatile tool for problem solving. Rather than treat a question in isolation, we view it as a member of a family of related problems. Meer
At present, there is considerable interest in supercritical wing technology for the development of aircraft designed to fly near the speed of sound. The basic principle is the suppression of boundary layer separation by shifting the shock waves that occur on the wing toward the trailing edge and making them as weak as possible. Meer
Programmiersprachen gehoren seit den Anfangen der Entwicklung des Fachgebietes Informatik zu dessen inner stem Kern. Dabei faBt der Begriff "Programmiersprachen" eine Reihe von Gegenstanden der In formatik zusammen, die insgesamt auf das Ziel gerichtet sind, den Benutzern von Rechenanlagen die Programmierung wesentlich zu erleichtern. Meer
Aus dem klassischen Gebiet der Schwachstromtechnik, deren wesentlichste BestandteiIe Akustik, Fernmeldetechnik und Hochfrequenztechnik waren, hat sich nach einem DifferenzierungsprozeB, in dem neue TeiIdisziplinen, wie Hochstfrequenztechnik, Regelungstechnik, Halbleitertechnik und Rechentech nik entstanden, wieder auf hoherer Stufe ein neues, einheitliches Wissensgebiet entwickelt. Meer