Fabian Amtenbrink
- Auteur
Fabian Amtenbrink is als hoogleraar Recht van de Europese Unie verbonden aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.
Fabian Amtenbrink is als hoogleraar Recht van de Europese Unie verbonden aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.
Boeken van Fabian Amtenbrink
Fabian Amtenbrink
Hans Vedder
Recht van de Europese Unie
Als enige studieboek in Nederland worden in deze nieuwe druk de gevolgen van de Brexit en de inhoud daarvan behandeld.
Fabian Amtenbrink
Christoph Herrmann
EU Law of Economic and Monetary Union
The EU Law of Economic and Monetary Union serves as an authoritative reference on the legal framework of European economic and monetary union.
Fabian Amtenbrink
Gareth Davies
Dimitry Kochenov
The Internal Market and the Future of European Integration
This collection marks the rich legacy of Professor Laurence W. Gormley's scholarship in the field of EU internal market law, providing a definitive critical appraisal of all the key aspects of the internal market, with an emphasis on goods and judicial protection; Professor Gormley's expert fields.
Fabian Amtenbrink
Denise Prevost
Ramses Wessel
Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 2017
This Volume of the Netherlands Yearbook of International Law explores emerging trends and key developments in international economic law. It examines shifts in the levels of cooperation (from multilateral to plurilateral, regional or bilateral—or vice versa), and shifts in the forms of cooperation (new types of actors and instruments).
Fabian Amtenbrink
Deirdre Curtin
Bruno de Witte
Jan Pieter Kuijper
Alison McDonnell
Stefan Bogaerts
The Law of the European Union and the European Communities