Wendy Schrama
- Auteur
Wendy Schrama is Professor of Family Law and Comparative Law and Director of the Utrecht Centre for European Research into Family Law (UCERF) at Utrecht University. She serves as an editor of several family law journals and commentaries, and has published extensively on family law issues. She also is a part-time family law judge at a Dutch district court and has previously worked at the Dutch Ministry of Justice.
Wendy Schrama is Professor of Family Law and Comparative Law and Director of the Utrecht Centre for European Research into Family Law (UCERF) at Utrecht University. She serves as an editor of several family law journals and commentaries, and has published extensively on family law issues. She also is a part-time family law judge at a Dutch district court and has previously worked at the Dutch Ministry of Justice.
Boeken van Wendy Schrama
Wendy Schrama
Charlotte Mol
Personen-, familie- & erfrecht 2023/2024
Selectie wet- en regelgeving betreffende personen-, familie- & erfrecht. Opgenomen zijn de actuele teksten zoals deze gelden op 1 september 2023.
Wendy Schrama
Bregje Dijksterhuis
Naomi Spalter
Commentaar & Context Wet herziening partneralimentatie
De Wet Herziening Partneralimentatie is op 1 januari 2020 in werking getreden.
Wendy Schrama
Charlotte Mol
Personen-, familie- & erfrecht 2024/2025
Deze wetseditie bevat verdragen, wetten, besluiten en reglementen op het gebied van het personen-, familie- en erfrecht.
Wendy Schrama
Marilyn Freeman
Nicola Taylor
Mariëlle Bruning
International Handbook on Child Participation in Family Law
This book examines the way in which private international law instruments deal with child participation in separation/divorce, parental responsibility and child abduction proceedings.
Elisabeth Alofs
Wendy Schrama
Elderly Care and Upwards Solidarity
This book portrays elder law as an emerging research area and brings together authors from different disciplines (history, sociology and law) and from different legal jurisdictions (Austria, Belgium, England, Germany, the Netherlands and Spain).