Frank Wijckmans
- Auteur
Boeken van Frank Wijckmans
Frank Wijckmans
Karolien Francken
Vertical Block Exemption Regulation
This toolbook has been prepared by the competition law team of Faros. Faros, a Brussels-based law firm, is a specialized niche player in competition law, data protection law and compliance.
Frank Wijckmans
Filip Tuytschaever
Vertical Agreements in EU Competition Law
This volume provides complete coverage of EU competition law applicable to vertical agreements, and detailed analysis of the EU regulatory framework as applied the Commission and the EU courts.
Frank Wijckmans
Maaike Visser
Sarah Jacques
Evi Noël
The EU Private Damages Directive - Practical Insights
This book on the EU Private Damages Directive (PDD) offers an in-depth discussion of selected issues of interpretation of the PDD.
Frank Wijckmans
Filip Tuytschaever
Horizontal Agreements and Cartels in EU Competition Law
A comprehensive examination of the substantive law and procedure of EU competition law as it applies to cartels.