Giovanni Zarra
- Auteur
Boeken van Giovanni Zarra
Daniele Amoroso
Loris Marotti
Pierfrancesco Rossi
Andrea Spagnolo
Giovanni Zarra
More Equal than Others?
This book analyses the principle of equality from three perspectives: public international law, private international law and EU law. It is the first book in English providing a comprehensive overview of this principle in these areas of law and showing the current trends and issues concerning its application.
Massimo Iovane
Fulvio Palombino
Daniele Amoroso
Giovanni Zarra
The Protection of General Interests in Contemporary International Law
This book analyses three key concepts, global public goods, global commons, and fundamental values, as tools geared towards the protection of the general interests of the international community.
Fulvio Maria Palombino
Roberto Virzo
Giovanni Zarra
Provisional Measures Issued by International Courts and Tribunals
This book makes a significant contribution to the comprehension of the law and practice of provisional measures issued by international courts and tribunals, including international commercial arbitration.