Franco Ferrari
- Auteur
Stefan Kroell
€ 408,33
Boeken van Franco Ferrari
Franco Ferrari
Friedrich Rosenfeld
Deference in International Commercial Arbitration
Stefan Kroell
Andrea Bjorklund
Franco Ferrari
Cambridge Compendium of International Commercial and Investment Arbitration 3 Volume
The Compendium, like an encyclopedia, contains entries for most of the foundational principles and concepts underlying arbitration.
Franco Ferrari
Friedrich Rosenfeld
Handbook of Evidence in International Commercial Arbitration
Franco Ferrari
Friedrich Rosenfeld
John Fellas
International Commercial Arbitration
This indispensable book offers a concise comparative introduction to international commercial arbitration.
Jurgen Basedow
Giesela Ruhl
Franco Ferrari
Pedro de Miguel Asensio
Encyclopedia of Private International Law
The Encyclopedia of Private International Law quite simply represents the definitive reference work in the field.