Michael Boes
- Auteur
Michael (Giel) Boes is an IT entrepreneur who has worked with hundreds of companies of different sizes and cultures, all struggling with email communication. Helping people to get things done efficiently in order to reach their goals is part of Michael's mission to plant one million trees before 2026. For each book sold and person trained, a tree will be planted. His work as email efficiency trainer and consultant has been praised by global corporations like ASML and Oracle, and small and mid-sized companies. Do you want to know more? Visit www.
Michael (Giel) Boes is an IT entrepreneur who has worked with hundreds of companies of different sizes and cultures, all struggling with email communication. Helping people to get things done efficiently in order to reach their goals is part of Michael's mission to plant one million trees before 2026. For each book sold and person trained, a tree will be planted. His work as email efficiency trainer and consultant has been praised by global corporations like ASML and Oracle, and small and mid-sized companies. Do you want to know more? Visit www.EmailEfficiency.nl and get inspired.
Boeken van Michael Boes
Interviews en artikelen (1)
OMG mail! - De baas over je mail
Michael Boes | 12 april 2019
Auw… Email stress! Ik vergeet nooit meer die ene vergadering enkele jaren geleden bij een bedrijf waar veel gemaild werd destijds. Dit is alweer 5 jaar geleden en toen was er al veel mailverkeer.