Robert Cryer
- Auteur
Boeken van Robert Cryer
Robert Cryer
International Criminal Law Documents
This carefully edited text collects the major documents on International Criminal Law, through the early practice after the First World War, the Nuremberg and Tokyo International Military Tribunals up to the present.
Neil Boister
Robert Cryer
The Tokyo International Military Tribunal - A Reappraisal
The Tokyo International Military Tribunal (IMT) is not frequently discussed in the literature on international criminal law, and it is often thought that it was little more (and possibly less) than a footnote to the Nuremberg proceedings.
Antonio Cassese
Florian Jeßberger
Robert Cryer
Urmila Dé
International Criminal Law
In 1993, the United Nations Security Council set up an ad hoc tribunal to bring to trial those accused of the worst breaches of humanitarian law in the war-torn former Yugoslavia, thus setting in motion a process which has significantly raised the profile and importance of international criminal justice.