Christophe Jauquet inspireert als gezondheidsmarketingexpert marketeers en zorgverleners over heel Europa met keynote speeches. Dankzij zijn ervaring in de gezondheidszorg en medische wereld begeleidt hij bedrijven en merken om het maximum te halen uit technologische innovaties en menselijke verwachtingen.
Meer over Christophe JauquetThe Transformational Economy
Aspirations are the new needs
Paperback Engels 2024 1e druk 9789401499378Samenvatting
- Why are we focused on transforming ourselves, society and the planet?
- What deeper human needs drive these transformations?
- How do you turn products and services into Customer Transformations?
Trends in the Transformation Economy showcases various industry trends, shaping a world that's not just better but also healthier and happier. In this enlightening book, Christophe expands upon his visionary Healthusiasm principles to unveil a groundbreaking frontier in value creation: Customer Transformations. Prepare to embark on a journey that champions a profound shift towards experiences that genuinely uplift well-being, happiness, and health, aligning with your customers' deepest needs, their Life Aspirations.
This book compellingly advocates for a future where personal aspirations transform the health/care ecosystem and people's everyday lives, from their kitchens to their cars, mindsets and bank accounts. - Jane Sarasohn-Kahn, Health Economist, Advisor, Trend Weaver
The book offers a compelling look at how personal human drivers can shape transformational experiences. A valuable read for any business leader. - Anonymous, CEO and board member at an insurances company
There is value for every purposeful organisation, leader or entrepreneur seeking to tune into our fundamental yearning for health and happiness. This book is proof of that. - Mo Zouina, Holistic brand experience challenger. Co-founder Relieve Clinics/BeNorm
Only one human truth truly matters: people want to live a healthy and happy life. This book contains refreshing models and inspiring examples demonstrating how marketers can respond to these deeper needs. - Kris Michiels, President of Belgian Association of Marketing
Trends in the Transformation Economy brings together the intersection of consumer empowerment, technology, healthcare and wellness in a stimulating and practical way. Thoroughly thought-provoking and a must-read! - Nathalie Bloom, Global Patient Engagement and Innovation, Amgen, Reckitt, Unilever
A must-read to make your health and self-care business thrive in the Transformation Economy. - Geert Reyniers, CEO at Multipharma, former VP Digital Health at Novo Nordisk
Chapter 1. Transformation: the word of the decade 17
Chapter 2. Type of transformations 25
2.1 Personal transformations 27
2.2 Social transformations 42
2.3 Planetary transformations 54
Chapter 3. Customer Transformations 65
Chapter 4. Health and happiness matter most 77
Chapter 5. Aspirations are the new needs 87
The Life Aspirations Model 99
Chapter 6. Patients want transformations in healthcare 137
Chapter 7. Three major transformations in healthcare 147
7.1 Meeting the Life Aspirations of women 149
7.2 Mental health is ele-mental to our health 157
7.3 Aspirations turn metabolic health into meta care 171
Chapter 8. Futures of transformational healthcare 181
8.1 Diseases become irrelevant 183
8.2 Caregivers become careguides 189
8.3 Decentralised Health and Care 194
Chapter 9. Customers seek transformations from
companies and brands 207
Chapter 10. Five major transformations in our everyday lives 219
10.1 Homes are the epicentre of our Life Aspirations 221
10.2 Distinct Life Aspirations for well-being at work 230
10.3 The aspirational value of sports 241
10.4 Eating good food is a good ‘act’ 252
10.5 Sexual wellness as a mirror of society 260
Chapter 11. Futures for Transformational Business 271
11.1 From driving to health experience in the car 273
11.2 Finance is the 5th pillar of health 283
11.3 The healing sound of music 289
Chapter 12. People wish for transformations with technology 299
Chapter 13. Two major transformational technologies 307
13.1 The overabundance of Intelligence 309
13.2 The Life Aspirations in virtual worlds 326
Chapter 14. Futures of transformational technologies 343
14.1 Digital humans as healthcare providers 344
14.2 Other technologies 354
Epilogue 354
Thank you 359
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