Richard Daft
- Auteur
Boeken van Richard Daft
Richard Daft
Organisatietheorie en -ontwerp
Dit is het internationale standaardwerk over organisatietheorie en wereldwijd het meest gebruikte leerboek. Deze Nederlandse vertaling is gebaseerd op de oorspronkelijke 7e editie.
Richard Daft
Alan Benson
Henry Brain
A wide range of inspiring real-world features are revealed as the student is guided through and prepared for the various challenges facing a modern manager.
Richard Daft
The Leadership Experience
In this edition you explore the latest thinking in leadership theory and contemporary practices in organizations throughout the world.
Richard Daft
Hugh Willmott
Jonathan Murphy
Organization Theory & Design
The fourth edition of Organization Theory & Design provides students with an understanding of the different approaches to designing and managing an organization.