Alvin Burns
- Auteur
Alvin C. Burns is verbonden aan de Louisiana State University. Samen met Ronald F. Bush heeft hij diverse boeken over marktonderzoek geschreven.
Alvin C. Burns is verbonden aan de Louisiana State University. Samen met Ronald F. Bush heeft hij diverse boeken over marktonderzoek geschreven.
Boeken van Alvin Burns
Alvin Burns
Ronald Bush
Principes van marktonderzoek 7e editie
'Principes van marktonderzoek' bevat alle aspecten van (online) marktonderzoek. Daarbij ligt de nadruk op de toepassing in de praktijk.
Alvin Burns
Alvin Burns
Ann Veeck
Ann Veeck
Marketing Research, Global Edition
For courses in global marketing.
This ISBN is for the bound textbook, which students can rent through their bookstore.
A conceptual approach and introduction to the field of marketing research
Written with an emphasis on the practical application of marketing research methods, Marketing Research teaches the basic fundamental statistical techniques needed to analyze market data. Meer
This ISBN is for the bound textbook, which students can rent through their bookstore.
A conceptual approach and introduction to the field of marketing research
Written with an emphasis on the practical application of marketing research methods, Marketing Research teaches the basic fundamental statistical techniques needed to analyze market data. Meer