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TypeScript Cookbook

Real World Type-Level Programming

Paperback Engels 2023 1e druk 9781098136659
Verkooppositie 5321Hoogste positie: 5321
Verwachte levertijd ongeveer 16 werkdagen


TypeScript is one of the most important tools for JavaScript developers. Still, even experienced developers wonder why the TypeScript compiler is throwing squiggly red lines at them. Enter TypeScript Cookbook . With this practical guide, author Stefan Baumgartner provides senior engineers with solutions for everyday TypeScript problems.

If you're conversant with TypeScript as well as JavaScript basics, this book provides actionable recipes to help you tackle a wide array of issues. From setting up complex project structures to developing advanced helper types, each self-contained recipe guides you through the problem and discusses why and how a solution works.

The ideal companion for your ongoing TypeScript journey, this cookbook helps you:
- Dive into the inner workings of the TypeScript type system
- Integrate TypeScript into a variety of projects
- Craft advanced type definitions that allow for flexible scenarios
- Create useful helper types that function across projects
- Ensure readability along with type safety
- Create robust APIs for helper types and their coworkers
- Strongly type function signatures that rely on string types
- Work around limitations of the standard library
- Integrate TypeScript into advanced React projects


Aantal pagina's:400
Hoofdrubriek:IT-management / ICT


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1. Project Setup
1.1. Type-Checking JavaScript
1.2. Installing TypeScript
1.3. Keeping Types on the Side
1.4. Migrating a Project to TypeScript
1.5. Loading Types from Definitely Typed
1.6. Setting Up a Full-Stack Project
1.7. Setting Up Tests
1.8. Typing ECMAScript Modules from URLs
1.9. Loading Different Module Types in Node
1.10. Working with Deno and Dependencies
1.11. Using Predefined Configurations

2. Basic Types
2.1. Annotating Effectively
2.2. Working with any and unknown
2.3. Choosing the Right Object Type
2.4. Working with Tuple Types
2.5. Understanding Interfaces Versus Type Aliases
2.6. Defining Function Overloads
2.7. Defining this Parameter Types
2.8. Working with Symbols
2.9. Understanding Value and Type Namespaces

3. The Type System
3.1. Modeling Data with Union and Intersection Types
3.2. Explicitly Defining Models with Discriminated Union Types
3.3. Exhaustiveness Checking with the Assert never Technique
3.4. Pinning Types with Const Context
3.5. Narrowing Types with Type Predicates
3.6. Understanding void
3.7. Dealing with Error Types in catch Clauses
3.8. Creating Exclusive Or Models with Optional never
3.9. Effectively Using Type Assertions
3.10. Using Index Signatures
3.11. Distinguishing Missing Properties and Undefined Values
3.12. Working with Enums
3.13. Defining Nominal Types in a Structural Type System
3.14. Enabling Loose Autocomplete for String Subsets

4. Generics
4.1. Generalizing Function Signatures
4.2. Creating Related Function Arguments
4.3. Getting Rid of any and unknown
4.4. Understanding Generic Instantiation
4.5. Generating New Object Types
4.6. Modifying Objects with Assertion Signatures
4.7. Mapping Types with Type Maps
4.8. Using ThisType to Define this in Objects
4.9. Adding Const Context to Generic Type Parameters

5. Conditional Types
5.1. Managing Complex Function Signatures
5.2. Filtering with never
5.3. Grouping Elements by Kind
5.4. Removing Specific Object Properties
5.5. Inferring Types in Conditionals

6. String Template Literal Types
6.1. Defining a Custom Event System
6.2. Creating Event Callbacks with String Manipulation Types and Key Remapping
6.3. Writing a Formatter Function
6.4. Extracting Format Parameter Types
6.5. Dealing with Recursion Limits
6.6. Using Template Literals as Discriminants

7. Variadic Tuple Types
7.1. Typing a concat Function
7.2. Typing a promisify Function
7.3. Typing a curry Function
7.4. Typing a Flexible curry Function
7.5. Typing the Simplest curry function
7.6. Creating an Enum from a Tuple
7.7. Splitting All Elements of a Function Signature

8. Helper Types
8.1. Setting Specific Properties Optional
8.2. Modifying Nested Objects
8.3. Remapping Types
8.4. Getting All Required Keys
8.5. Allowing at Least One Property
8.6. Allowing Exactly One and All or None
8.7. Converting Union to Intersection Types
8.8. Using type-fest

9. The Standard Library and External Type Definitions
9.1. Iterating over Objects with Object.keys
9.2. Explicitly Highlighting Unsafe Operations with Type Assertions and unknown
9.3. Working with defineProperty
9.4. Expanding Types for Array.prototype.includes
9.5. Filtering Nullish Values
9.6. Extending Modules
9.7. Augmenting Globals
9.8. Adding Non-JS Modules to the Module Graph

10. TypeScript and React
10.1. Writing Proxy Components
10.2. Writing Controlled Components
10.3. Typing Custom Hooks
10.4. Typing Generic forwardRef Components
10.5. Providing Types for the Context API
10.6. Typing Higher-Order Components
10.7. Typing Callbacks in React’s Synthetic Event System
10.8. Typing Polymorphic Components

11. Classes
11.1. Choosing the Right Visibility Modifier
11.2. Explicitly Defining Method Overrides
11.3. Describing Constructors and Prototypes
11.4. Using Generics in Classes
11.5. Deciding When to Use Classes or Namespaces
11.6. Writing Static Classes
11.7. Working with Strict Property Initialization
11.8. Working with this Types in Classes
11.9. Writing Decorators

12. Type Development Strategies
12.1. Writing Low Maintenance Types
12.2. Refining Types Step by Step
12.3. Checking Contracts with satisfies
12.4. Testing Complex Types
12.5. Validating Data Types at Runtime with Zod
12.6. Working Around Index Access Restrictions
12.7. Deciding Whether to Use Function Overloads or Conditional Types
12.8. Naming Generics
12.9. Prototyping on the TypeScript Playground
12.10. Providing Multiple Library Versions
12.11. Knowing When to Stop

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