Josèph H.A.M. Rodenberg is managing partner of Rodenberg Tillman & Associates, based in the Netherlands, founded in 1985, and active in strategic competitive intelligence solutions across Europe.
Meer over Joseph RodenbergCompetitive Intelligence and Senior Management
The best solution to place the office of competitive intelligence is on a par with functions that directly report to the board
Gebonden Engels 2007 1e druk 9789059721920Samenvatting
De veranderingen in de internationale markt volgen elkaar in een hoog tempo op. In deze constant wisselende omgeving is competitive intelligence een voorwaarde om te overleven, niet alleen voor elk bedrijf, maar ook voor de nationale economie en non-profit organisaties. Senior managers die door middel van competitive intelligence hun organisatie intelligent en alert willen maken, kunnen niet alleen de toekomst van uw bedrijf garanderen, maar ook een goede winst genereren.
Dit boek bespreekt talrijke hulpmiddelen die managers helpen om het concurrentievermogen van de organisatie te versterken en om fusies en acquisities te versoepelen. Daarnaast ondersteunt dit boek bij het vermijden van aanvallen van corporate raiders of private equity firms.
Met dit boek bereiken de senior managers inzicht in de belangrijkste elementen van competitive intelligence, zoals: key intelligence topics, information audit, strategic audit, strategy as active waiting, competitive intelligence as key driver for innovation, strategy and intelligence, strategic intelligence, scenario planning, strategy under uncertainty, scanning the competitive periphery, strategic war mapping en diverse toepasbare analyse tools voor competitive intelligence.
'Competitive Intelligence and Senior Management' bevat meer dan 100 diagrammen die de strategische concepten van competitive intelligence ondersteunen. Daarnaast behandelt het meer dan 50 bedrijfscasussen, waaronder: DaimlerChrysler, Boeing, Airbus, Apple, ABNAmro, Shell, Gazprom, Ford, Philips, Corus, Sun Microsystems, Lenovo, Pfizer, IBM, Belgacom, AkzoNobel, DSM, Danone, Unilever, P&G en vele anderen.
Part I Aspects of competitive intelligence
I. The best solution tow here to place the office of competitive intelligence is on a par with functions that report directly to the Board
II. Historical overview of competitive intelligence
III. Introduction to the competitiveness of nations
1. The competitiveness of Europe
2. The competitiveness of China
3. The competitiveness of the USA
4. The other new competitors of BRIC: Brazil, Russia, Inda
5. How to increase the competitiveness of nations?
6. The key to the competitiveness of nations and companies: competitive intelligence
7. Competitiveness by protectionism
8. Mergers and acquisitions
9. Private equity firms
IV. Innovation as the key to success
V. Enterprise intelligence, creating the intelligent and alert organisation
VI. The 'Fourth Economy'
VII. Competitive intelligence cases at public events
VIII. How much longer will management let the organisation struggle with data and information?
IX. Research into competitive intelligence
X. Intelligence lessons from the military
Part II Establishing a competitive intelligence capability
I. Introduction
II. The key elements in competitive intelligence
1. KITS: Key Intelligence Topics
2. Information and information sources
3. Information audit
4. Strategic audit
5. Strategy as active waiting
6. Why competitive intelligence may fail
7. Competitive intelligence as driver for innovation
8. Trade show intelligence
9. Strategy and intelligence
10. Strategic intelligence
11. Competitive intelligence and organisational skills
12. Scenario planning
13. Strategy under uncertainty
14. Customer intelligence
15. Competitive intelligence and scanning the competitive periphery
16. The scope of competitive intelligence in the organisation
17. Strategic war mapping
18. Analysis tools
Part III Epilogue
Automotive sector
The Greenery
Mobile phones
Boeing and Airbus
ABNAmro Bouwfonds
Food retail in Europe
C&A - H&M - Zara
Intelligence Economique in France
Market intelligence at ABNAmro
Shell - Gazprom
War room at Ford USA
Creating future competitors
Changing the targets at ABNAmro
ABNAmro - Antonveneta
Dutch politics
Dutch government
WTO textile sector
We have been asleep
Unilever - P&G
Sun Microsystems
Pinclip Emmen
La Poste
AKZONobel Resins
Fiere competition in food retails in the Netherlands
European Beer market
HD DVD or Blu Ray
Analysis techniques by IBM
- advisering
- algemeen management
- coaching en trainen
- communicatie en media
- economie
- financieel management
- inkoop en logistiek
- internet en social media
- it-management / ict
- juridisch
- leiderschap
- marketing
- mens en maatschappij
- non-profit
- ondernemen
- organisatiekunde
- personal finance
- personeelsmanagement
- persoonlijke effectiviteit
- projectmanagement
- psychologie
- reclame en verkoop
- strategisch management
- verandermanagement
- werk en loopbaan