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Epistemic Fluency and Professional Education

Innovation, Knowledgeable Action and Actionable Knowledge

Gebonden Engels 2016 2015e druk 9789400743687
Verkooppositie 2870Hoogste positie: 2870
Verwachte levertijd ongeveer 9 werkdagen


This book, by combining sociocultural, material, cognitive and embodied perspectives on human knowing, offers a new and powerful conceptualisation of epistemic fluency – a capacity that underpins knowledgeable professional action and innovation. Using results from empirical studies of professional education programs, the book sheds light on practical ways in which the development of epistemic fluency can be recognised and supported - in higher education and in the transition to work.

The book provides a broader and deeper conception of epistemic fluency than previously available in the literature. Epistemic fluency involves a set of capabilities that allow people to recognize and participate in different ways of knowing. Such people are adept at combining different kinds of specialised and context-dependent knowledge and at reconfiguring their work environment to see problems and solutions anew.

In practical terms, the book addresses the following kinds of questions. What does it take to be a productive member of a multidisciplinary team working on a complex problem? What enables a person to integrate different types and fields of knowledge, indeed different ways of knowing, in order to make some well-founded decisions and take actions in the world? What personal knowledge resources are entailed in analysing a problem and describing an innovative solution, such that the innovation can be shared in an organization or professional community? How do people get better at these things; and how can teachers in higher education help students develop these valued capacities? The answers to these questions are central to a thorough understanding of what it means to become an effective knowledge worker and resourceful professional.


Aantal pagina's:200


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Over Lina Markauskaite

Lina Markauskaite is an Associate Professor in the Centre for Research on Computer Supported Learning and Cognition (CoCo), the University of Sydney. Lina has been carrying out studies in the areas technology-enhanced teaching and learning, professional knowledge and methodological innovation since the mid 90s. She has published more than 75 refereed papers and an edited book. Her most recent work spans two related areas. Her primary area is concerned with understanding the nature of capabilities involved in complex inter-professional knowledge work and learning. Her formulated theoretical accounts of professional knowing bring into a single framework insights from psychology, neuroscience, anthropology, design, linguistic, organisational studies, and science and technology studies (STS). The second research area is emerging inter-disciplinary research methods. Her recent work includes the co-edited book Methodological choice and design: Scholarship, policy and practice in social and educational research (Springer, 2010, with Peter Freebody and Jude Irwin) and a special issue eResearch for education: Applied, methodological and critical perspectives (with Peter Reimann, 2014).

Andere boeken door Lina Markauskaite

Over Peter Goodyear

Peter Goodyear is Professor of Education and Australian Laureate Fellow at the University of Sydney in Australia. He is the founding co-director of the Centre for Research on Computer Supported Learning and Cognition (CoCo) and now also leads the University’s Sciences and Technologies of Learning research network, a multi-faculty network involving over 80 academic staff and PhD students. He has been carrying out research in the field of learning, technology and higher education since the early 80s. Peter’s research focuses on networked learning, the nature of professionals’ “working knowledge” and complexity in educational design. He has published nine books and over 100 journal articles and book chapters. His most recent books are The Architecture of productive learning networks (Routledge, co-edited with Lucila Carvalho), Handbook of design in educational technology (2013, Routledge, co-edited with Rose Luckin and colleagues), Technology-enhanced learning: design patterns and pattern languages (2010, Sense, co-edited with Simeon Retalis) and Students' experiences of e-learning in higher education: the ecology of sustainable innovation (2010, Routledge, co-authored with Rob Ellis).

Andere boeken door Peter Goodyear


1. Introduction
2. Professional work in contemporary contexts
3. Defining the problem: four epistemic projects in professional work and education
4. The shapes taken by personal professional knowledge
5. Professional knowledge and knowing in shared epistemic spaces: the person-plus perspective
6. Understanding the mind
7. Epistemic thinking
8. Objects, things and artefacts in professional learning and doing
9. Epistemic tools and artefacts in epistemic practices and systems
10. Inscribing professional knowledge and knowing
11. Inscriptions shaping mind, meaning and action
12. Epistemic tools, instruments and infrastructure in professional knowledge work and learning
13. Taxonomies of epistemic tools and infrastructures
14. Professional epistemic games
15. Weaving ways of knowing
16. Rethinking the material, the embodied and the social for professional education
17. Conceptual resourcefulness and actionable concepts: concepts revisited
18. Epistemic resourcefulness for actionable knowing
19. Teaching and learning for epistemic fluency
20. Creating epistemic environments: learning, teaching and design

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        Epistemic Fluency and Professional Education