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Learning Vue

Core Concepts and Practical Patterns for Reusable, Composable, Scalable User Interfaces

Paperback Engels 2023 1e druk 9781492098829
Verkooppositie 4537Hoogste positie: 4537
Verwachte levertijd ongeveer 16 werkdagen


Learn the core concepts of Vue.js, the modern JavaScript framework for building frontend applications and interfaces from scratch. With concise, practical, and clear examples, this book takes web developers step-by-step through the tools and libraries in the Vue.js ecosystem and shows them how to create complete applications for real-world web projects.

You’ll learn how to handle data communication between components with Pinia architecture, develop a manageable routing system for a frontend project to control the application flow, and produce basic animation effects to create a better user experience.

This book also shows you how to:
- Create reusable and lightweight component systems using Vue.js
- Bring reactivity to your existing static application
- Set up a project using Vite.js, a build tool for frontend project code management
- Build an interactive state management system for a frontend application with Pinia
- Connect external data from the server to your Vue application
- Control the application flow with static and dynamic routing using Vue Router
- Fully test your application using Vitest and Playwright


Trefwoorden:Web programming, Vue
Aantal pagina's:400
Hoofdrubriek:IT-management / ICT


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1. Welcome to the Vue.js World!
What Is Vue.js?
The Benefits of Vue in Modern Web Development
Installing Node.js
Vue Developer Tools
Vite.js as a Builder Management Tool
Create a New Vue Application
File Repository Structure

2. How Vue Works: The Basics
Virtual DOM Under the Hood
The Layout Update Problem
What Is Virtual DOM?
How Virtual DOM Works in Vue
The Vue App Instance and Options API
Exploring the Options API
The Template Syntax
Creating Local State with Data Properties
How Reactivity in Vue Works
Two-Way Binding with v-model
Using v-model.lazy Modifier
Binding Reactive Data and Passing Props Data with v-bind
Binding to Class and Style Attributes
Iterating over Data Collection Using v-for
Iterating Through Object Properties
Make the Element Binding Unique with Key Attribute
Adding Event Listener to Elements with v-on
Handling Events with v-on Event Modifiers
Detecting Keyboard Events with Key Code Modifiers
Conditional Rendering Elements with v-if, v-else, and v-else-if
Conditional Displaying Elements with v-show
Dynamically Displaying HTML Code with v-html
Displaying Text Content with v-text
Optimizing Renders with v-once and v-memo
Registering a Component Globally

3. Composing Components
Vue Single File Component Structure
Using defineComponent() for TypeScript Support
Component Lifecycle Hooks
Computed Properties
Observing for Changes in Nested Properties
Using the this.$watch() Method
The Power of Slots
Using Named Slots with Template Tag and v-slot Attribute
Understanding Refs
Sharing Component Configuration with Mixins
Scoped Styling Components
Applying CSS to a Child Component in Scoped Styles
Applying Scoped Styles to Slot Content
Accessing a Component’s Data Value in Style Tag with v-bind() Pseudo-Class
Styling Components with CSS Modules

4. Interactions Between Components
Nested Components and Data Flow in Vue
Using Props to Pass Data to Child Components
Declaring Prop Types with Validation and Default Values
Declaring Props with Custom Type Checking
Declaring Props Using defineProps() and withDefaults()
Communication Between Components with Custom Events
Defining Custom Events Using defineEmits()
Communicate Between Components with provide/inject Pattern
Using provide to Pass Data
Using inject to Receive Data
Teleport API
Implementing a Modal with Teleport and the <dialog> Element
Rendering Problem Using Teleport

5. Composition API
Setting Up Components with Composition API
Handling Data with ref() and reactive()
Using ref()
Using reactive()
Using the Lifecycle Hooks
Understanding Watchers in Composition API
Using computed()
Creating Your Reusable Composables

6. Incorporating External Data
What Is Axios?
Installing Axios
Load Data with Lifecycle Hooks and Axios
Async Data Requests in Run-Time: the Challenge
Creating Your Reusable Fetch Component
Connect Your Application with an External Database

7. Advanced Rendering, Dynamic Components, and Plugin Composition
The Render Function and JSX
Using the Render Function
Using the h Function to Create a VNode
Writing JavaScript XML in the Render Function
Functional Component
Defining Props and Emits for Functional Component
Adding Custom Functionality Globally with Vue Plugins
Dynamic Rendering with the <component> Tag
Keeping Component Instance Alive with <keep-alive>

8. Routing
What is Routing?
Using Vue Router
Installing Vue Router
Defining Routes
Creating a Router Instance
Plugging the Router Instance Into the Vue Application
Rendering the Current Page with the RouterView Component
Build a Navigation Bar with the RouterLink Component
Passing Data Between Routes
Decoupling Route Parameters Using Props
Understanding Navigation Guards
Global Navigation Guards
Route-Level Navigation Guards
Component-Level Router Guards
Creating Nesting Routes
Creating Dynamic Routes
Going Back and Forward with the Router Instance
Handling Unknown Routes

9. State Management with Pinia
Understanding State Management in Vue
Understanding Pinia
Creating a Pizzas Store for Pizza House
Creating a Cart Store for Pizza House
Using the Cart Store in a Component
Adding Items to the Cart from the Pizzas Gallery
Displaying Cart Items with Actions
Removing Items from the Cart Store
Unit Testing Pinia Stores
Subscribing Side Effects on Store Changes

10. Transitioning and Animation in Vue
Understanding CSS Transitions and CSS Animations
Transition Component in Vue.js
Using Custom Transition Class Attributes
Adding Transition Effect on the Initial Render with appear
Building Transition for a Group of Elements
Creating Route Transitions
Using Transition Events to Control Animation

11. Testing in Vue
Introduction to Unit Testing and E2E Testing
Vitest as a Unit Testing Tool
Configuring Vitest Using Parameters and Config File
Writing Your First Test
Testing Non-Lifecycle Composables
Testing Composables with Lifecycle Hook
Testing Components Using Vue Test Utils
Testing Interaction and Events of a Component
Using Vitest with a GUI
Using Vitest with a Coverage Runner
End-to-End Testing with PlaywrightJS
Debugging E2E Tests Using Playwright Test Extension for VSCode

12. Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment of Vue.Js Applications
CI/CD in Software Development
Continuous Integration
Continuous Delivery
Continuous Deployment
CI/CD Pipeline with GitHub Actions
Continuous Deployment with Netlify
Deploying with Netlify CLI

13. Server-Side Rendering with Vue
Client-Side Rendering in Vue
Server-Side Rendering (SSR)
Server-Side Rendering with Nuxt.Js
Static Side Generator (SSG)
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        Learning Vue