Rens van Loon is emeritus hoogleraar Dialogical Leadership aan Tilburg University en begeleidt bestuurders, toezichthouders en andere leiders in hun ontwikkeling. Rens verzorgt o.a. de TIAS-masterclass Dialogisch Leiderschap en het NVTZ-programma De Toezichthouder als Hoeder van de Dialoog.
Meer over Rens van LoonCreating Organizational Value through Dialogical Leadership
Boiling Rice in Still Water
Gebonden Engels 2017 1e druk 9783319588889Samenvatting
This book demonstrates Dialogical Leadership which is the workplace application of the Dialogical Self Theory, first developed by Dutch psychologist Hubert Hermans in the 1990s. It encourages scientists and science-practitioners interested in leadership issues to discuss the power of dialogue in solving workplace culture problems. Van Loon’s work extends the concept of Dialogical Self Theory to the leadership of organizations, drawing on social constructionism by the American psychologist Ken Gergen and the leadership framework of British academic Keith Grint.
This book explicitly links the health of organizations to the psychological and emotional health of those who lead them, concluding with the factors of teamwork and motivation. Dialogical Leadership jettisons the idea that organizations are run by ‘superheroes’, presenting a more realistic picture of the workplace.
This is the first book to isolate ‘generative dialogue’ as the key mechanism for successful change and transformation programs in organizations. It rejects the idea that successful organizations are ‘rational systems’ conforming to scripts laid down by leaders, and it places dialogue and co-creation – ‘reciprocal exchange’ – at the heart of successful change programs. It starts from the kinds of questions leaders ask themselves – their ‘interior dialogue’ – and the quality of their interactions with others – their external dialogues – which can as shown in this book, be the difference between success and failure.
Part 1: The Theory.
Chapter 1. Dialogical Self Theory
Chapter 2. Dialogical Leadership
Part 2: The Practice
Chapter 3. Creating the Conditions for Effective Dialogue.
Part 3: The Impact.
Chapter 4. Dialogical Leadership and ‘Wicked Issues’
Chapter 5. Dialogical Leadership and Teamwork
Chapter 6. Dialogical Leadership and Innovation
Part 4: The Implications
Chapter 7. Dialogue: The Future of Leadership
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