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Influencing Others? Start with Yourself

on behaviour and Leary's Rose

E-book Epub met watermerkbeveiliging Engels 2023 6e druk 9789462723566
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‘That’s just the way I am.’ A lot of people think that the way they behave is fixed in stone. Nothing could be further from the truth. This book shows you how you can consciously choose to adopt the most effective behaviour in order to improve your success rate at achieving your goals.

This book uses Leary’s Rose interaction model to give you an insight into the different communication processes. Leary’s Rose is a schematic reproduction of different ways of behaving and the effect this has on other people. With the help of exercises you learn how you can choose to behave differently, how you can manage each situation and obtain the result that you want and still accept the other person for what they are.

This practical model can be applied in all types of everyday situations; a difficult work discussion, a business conflict or difference of opinion about a holiday destination. It is just a question of making the right choice.


Aantal pagina's:88


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Over Bert van Dijk

Bert van Dijk werkte 10 jaar als trainer/adviseur bij Schouten & Nelissen en richtte daarna de Leary Academy op. Daar kunnen professionals leren hoe je vanuit zelf- en mensenkennis trefzeker kunt beïnvloeden: anderen soepel bewegen om hun gedrag aan te passen. Bert is een bevlogen trainer, spreker en schrijver, die met humor en diepgang zichzelf en zijn publiek uitnodigt tot gedragsverandering. Kijk ook op: www.bertvandijk.eu en www.learyacademy.nl.

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        Influencing Others? Start with Yourself