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Ruud Boer is Register Marketeer (RM) en was als marketeer verantwoordelijk voor de mooie merken zoals Bols, Red Band, Venco, Reebok, LU en Liga. Sinds 1998 is hij directeur en partner van de Bataafsche Teeken Maatschappij (BTM). Hij is bestuurslid van de NIMA Brand Design Community, geeft les bij de Beeckestijn Business School, verzorgt de workshops en geeft lezingen in binnen- en buitenland.
Meer over Ruud BoerFollowing the publication of the Dutch edition of this book in 2002, Brand Design has become a household name in many boardrooms and educational courses. Ruud Boer’s model of Brand Design has guided over 30,000 marketers in shaping and designing brands. With the introduction of this new edition, marketing students and professionals now also benefit from a conceptual map of Brand Design in English!
This well-illustrated book is comprehensive, encompassing a diversity of practical examples of physical and digital brand expressions, and includes many models that are easy to understand. The centerpiece is the Brand Design model, which takes the reader from brand strategy to brand activation, in order to achieve the main goal: building brands.
New in this edition
- Twenty Mini-Cases and one Maxi-Case written by various Registered Marketers, who give you interesting insights into successful brands.
- The Brand Design model has been improved.
- More attention for digital branding.
- New section about Brand Design Management.
- Fully updated with new examples and trends in marketing, such as employee marketing and inclusion.
Brand Design is written for anyone directly or indirectly responsible for one or more brands, or anyone who is being trained to be. A growing number of colleges and universities in the Netherlands and Belgium realize that Brand Design is an important part of their curriculum and decide to use this book to educate their students. The concise theory, useful models (such as the Brand-Guide and Customer Brand Journey model) and a wealth of appealing examples make this book widely applicable.
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