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Dialogic Organization Development

The Theory and Practice of Transformational Change

Gebonden Engels 2015 1e druk 9781626564046
Verwachte levertijd ongeveer 9 werkdagen


Dialogic Organization Development is a compelling alternative to the classical action research approach to planned change. Organizations are seen as fluid, socially constructed realities that are continuously created through conversations and images - change happens when those conversations and images change.

Leaders and consultants can help foster, support, or accelerate the emergence of transformational possibilities by encouraging disruptions to taken-for-granted ways of thinking and acting and the use of generative images to stimulate new organizational conversations and narratives.

This book offers the first comprehensive introduction to Dialogic Organization Development with chapters by a global team of leading scholar-practitioners addressing both theoretical foundations and specific practices.


Aantal pagina's:436

Expertrecensies (1)

Gervase Bushes Dialogic Organization Development
Robert Paul Schwippert | 2 november 2015
Organisaties zien als sociale constructies die constant hun eigen realiteit creëren door verhalen, gesprekken en beelden - dat is het hart van Dialogische Organisatie ontwikkeling zoals beschreven in Dialogic Organization Development.
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Wees de eerste die een lezersrecensie schrijft!

Over Gervase Bushe

Gervase R. Bushe, PhD, werkt meer dan dertig jaar als adviseur op het gebied van organisatie- en leiderschapsontwikkeling. Hij werkte o.a. voor Shell Oil, General Motors, Business Objects, BC Telecom en de Canadese overheid. Gervase Bushe is oprichter van Clear Learning Ltd, een onderneming waarmee hij zijn programma Clear Leadership voor anderen beschikbaar maakt. Hij is co-auteur van het boek 'Parallel Learning Structures'. Als Professor of Leadership and Organization Development is Gervase Bushe verbonden aan de Segal Graduate School of Business, een onderdeel van de Simon Frasier University. Zijn bekroonde werk is verschenen in The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, Organizational Development Journal en vele andere boeken rondom het thema organisatieontwikkeling. Bushe woont in Vancouver (CA) met zijn vrouw en twee kinderen.

Andere boeken door Gervase Bushe


Foreword: Dialogic Organization Development: Past, Present, and Future - Edgar H. Schein

Part I: Introduction and Overview
1. Introduction to the Dialogic Organization Development Mindset - Gervase R. Bushe and Robert J. Marshak
2. Introduction to the Practice of Dialogic OD - Gervase R. Bushe and Robert J. Marshak

Part II: Theoretical Bases of Dialogic Organization Development
3. Social Constructionist Challenge to Representational Knowledge: Implications for Understanding Organization Change - Frank J. Barrett
4. Discourse and Dialogic Organization Development - Robert J. Marshak, David S. Grant, and Maurizio Floris
5. Generative Image: Sourcing Novelty - Gervase R. Bushe and Jacob Storch
6. Complexity, Self- Organization, and Emergence - Peggy Holman
7. Understanding Organizations as Complex Responsive Pro cesses of Relating - Ralph Stacey
8. Consulting as Collaborative Co-Inquiry - J. Kevin Barge

Part III: Practices of Dialogic Organization Development
9. Enabling Change: Th e Skills of Dialogic OD - Jacob Storch
10. Entering, Readiness, and Contracting for Dialogic Organization Development - Tova Averbuch
11. Transformative Learning during Dialogic OD - Yabome Gilpin-Jackson
12. Framing Inquiry: The Art of Engaging Great Questions - Nancy Southern
13. Hosting and Holding Containers - Chris Corrigan
14. From Them to Us: Working with Multiple Constituents in Dialogic OD - Ray Gordezky
15. Amplifying Change: A Th ree- Phase Approach to Model, Nurture, and Embed Ideas for Change - Michael J. Roehrig, Joachim Schwendenwein, and Gervase R. Bushe
16. Coaching from a Dialogic OD Paradigm - Chené Swart
17. Dialogic Process Consultation: Working Live - Joan Goppelt and Keith W. Ray
Commentary on Dialogic Process Consultation - Patricia Shaw

Part IV: Conclusion: The Path Ahead
Gervase R. Bushe and Robert J. Marshak

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